Tuesday, October 30, 2012

OFF DAYS- Random babble-Im bored!

So I was amping myself up before going to workout today and felt like I was going to have a solid night.  I jogged to the gym and started my warmup feeling really good.  Handstand walks, no problem.  L-Sits, again no problem.  Too many people were in the gym to do the presribed rope climbs so instead I worked on my ring muscle-ups.  I felt heavy and slow with my transitioning.  As I moved into the next part of my workout I loaded the bar to do some warmup clean and jerks.  Again I felt slow and sluggish.  I added wait and attempted to sike myself up before the lift.  Again slow and sluggish.  I stood there glaring at the bar pissed off and finished off my last 4 sets forcing myself to keep going as much as I really felt like I just wanted to skip it and move on.  I felt very frustrated and defeated in my head.  What is usually ligtweight for me felt like I was 1rep maxing.  As I finished and moved onto the next portion I thought to myself, ok, this is where I will pick it back up and feel good about my time spent in the gym tonight.  As I got into my metcon I felt awesome throughout my double unders until I grabbed the kettlebell and what was a 53lb'er felt like a 200lb'er.  I had to break up the repetitions and once again I fought that struggle battle in my head to keep going.  All in all I finished my workout but not anywhere close to what I was planning for.  Where did I go wrong?  I should have destroyed that workout.  I should have done what I tell other people to do and to just keep moving and don't let it get in your head.  Definatley got into my head tonight and all I want to do is go to bed.  I really wish I could be going to bed laying next to my monkey because it seems like everything is better when she is around.  I guess I just need to sleep on it.  Take it as an off night but at least I did go and do it unlike others that are doing who knows what instead.  I know I still got something out of the workout.  I know I am going to be sore tomorrow.  I know I am going to try harder every.  I know I will get better.  I know I always in the end love the feeling of kicking my ass wheather it be a bad day or good day.  Results will happen.  My job is to keep going. 

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